Pytania i odpowiedzi
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Wybierz temat pytań i odpowiedzi
- O Inteligo
- Inteligo w PKOBP SA
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- Individual Client
- Institutional Client
- Klient indywidualny
- Klient instytucjonalny
Rozliczenia Podatkowe
- Dotyczące PIT-8C
- Dotyczące PIT-11
- Dotyczące IFT-1/2
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Aplikacja mobilna IKO
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Twoje Konto
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- Karty
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- Karty z funkcją płatności zbliżeniowych
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- Lokaty
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- Narzędzia autoryzacji transakcji
- Karta kodów jednorazowych
- Kody SMS
- Podpis cyfrowy
- Bezpieczne korzystanie z konta Inteligo
- Zastrzeżenie numeru PESEL
- Profil Zaufany
- Wniosek Dobry start
- e-Tożsamość
- Wniosek Rodzina 500+
- Wniosek Rodzinny Kapitał Opiekuńczy (RKO)
Institutional Client
Rozwiń wszystkie-
What is FATCA?
FATCA stands for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and is a U.S. regulation on disclosure of information about foreign accounts for tax purposes, issued by the Congress of the United States on March 28th 2010. Its goal is to oblige foreign financial institutions to transfer to the United States of America data on account balances and holders that are U.S. taxpayers (the definition in point 3 below) and to prevent U.S. taxpayers from using foreign financial institutions for the purpose of hiding income or creation of structures of aggressive tax planning.
What is the legal base basis for FATCA in Poland and how has it been introduced implemented into the Polish legal system?
On October 7th 2014 the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Poland to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA and the accompanying Final Arrangements (Journal of Laws 2015 item 1647), hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”, was signed. The Agreement was concluded in order to improve the fulfillment of tax obligations through mutual assistance in tax matters, based on an efficient infrastructure of automatic information exchange.
According to the statement of the government of July 24th 2015 about the binding force of the Agreement, the Agreement entered into force on July 1st 2015.
The Agreement obliges financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, investment funds, custodial institutions maintaining accounts for U.S. taxpayers to transfer (with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance) to the U.S. tax authorities information regarding these accounts.
Rules for implementing obligations under the Agreement on the Polish territory are defined by the Act of October 9th 2015 on the execution of the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Poland to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA and the accompanying final arrangements (Journal of Laws 2015 item 1712), hereinafter referred to as “the Act”.
Polish reporting financial institutions, including PKO Bank Polski S.A., are obliged to apply due diligence procedures defined in Annex I to the Agreement in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Finance dated January 26th 2016 on the detailed conditions for the use of due diligence procedures and the cases in which it is possible to select specific procedures under the Agreement (Journal of Laws 2016 item 123). -
What happens to the information obtained by PKO Bank Polski S.A. in the course of the procedures of identification and verification of Clients for FATCA purposes?
If the information that a Client is a Specified U.S. Person (American taxpayer) or Passive Non-Financial Foreign Entity controlled by a taxpayer of the United States of America (the beneficial owner within the meaning of the regulations on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism) is received, PKO Bank Polski S.A. will be required to inform the minister responsible for public finance or another authorized body about the financial account maintained for the Client, in order to enable the above-mentioned authorities to transfer the data to the tax administration of the United States of America. The above-mentioned information will include in particular the Client`s data (name, address and TIN - American tax identification number, if available), the value or the balance of the account, as well as the amount of income or revenue of the Client disbursed by PKO Bank Polski S.A.